The thoughts and inner workings of a modern-day hopeless-romantic/rat-bastard caught up in a crazy world of colleges, careers, friends, family, and relationships. Everyday is an Adventure!
I Don't Mean to Attention Whore, But C'mon...
Published on September 4, 2004 By The Negotiator In Life Journals
Seriously, 3 new posts and not a peep. What the hell is going on? Do I need to bash Bush or Kerry to get some opinions around here? Then again, if I did, I wouldn't want to read any of the dreg that would result from it.


on Sep 04, 2004
Geez...calm down....take a pill and chill one has enough time to read every new post on every friggin blog here.....think of a good article and opin the blog..see the the blog
on Sep 04, 2004
Ping! There's one!

I'm not that upset, more...let down that my blog used to get much more traffic when I was on the verge of being sued by the people I was writing about. Now that I have good, wierd, and ironic things to write about , noone's commenting.

Its like the place is a giant pity party and you have to be an oppressed high school girl with boy problems to get anyone else's opinion.

I like that everyone is trying to help one another, but c'mon, how about some good news for a change!?!?!
on Sep 05, 2004
Arg! You got me!
on Sep 05, 2004
...ok your point whorish ways got my what? Hehe, time to impress my friend, and if you don't well, you'll just have to become one of them oppressed high school girls

On a serious note, it just takes time to build up a readership, but you will if you stick at it, and getting your name on other peoples blogs, by taking an interest and comment, will make people click on your name and check you out. It's all about give and take. Anywho, good luck, and welcome to JU
on Sep 05, 2004
Oh, and hint #2....dont whine.

Not true, that usually gets everyone's attention and results in at least 10 comments. The more controversial the whine, the better.
on Sep 06, 2004
thank you!

on Sep 06, 2004
I hate me too.

Welcome to the club.

on Sep 06, 2004
Negotiator: I'll tell you what you need to do, and it is so simple that it is only a mere two characters:


That's it . . . that's all you gotta do.
on Sep 06, 2004
Not true, that usually gets everyone's attention and results in at least 10 comments.

Yes, here's #10.

I feel this way a lot, though maybe without the "I hate you people" part. Ravenblack wrote a blog about that--I think it's called "The want for response, the reasons behind the silence." Check it out.

And it's not necessarily true that the more you comment on other people's blogs, the more they comment on yours. I tend to comment on a lot of blogs (though there are some I ignore, including admins) but it seems like I have to have a very engaging title to even elicit responses. Fortunately, somtimes I just want to blog and don't care about the responses. I have quite a number of "private" articles that no one reads.
on Sep 06, 2004
Okay you have my attention.......what's on your mind?
on Sep 06, 2004
Hey pal I'm just as lonely as you are...but people hate poetry probably just as much as you hate people...and look, I fell for your pity party invitation. Even the miniscule following I once had has all but completely dwindled despite recent efforts to put out some true quality material in the past few weeks.

What Gives?

I don't know, but we both better get over it soon cause posts like this are detrimental to the blogging psyche.

PS - if you do visit my blog (yeah right) the poetry I speak of is back of few posts of my current ones. I even posted 6 pieces I tried to clean up in a single post and got like 2 visits...thanks for reminding me how petty we all are .